Frustration + Scheming to Get Back on Track

7 June 2009 (Sunday)

Ughhh, I left school and now I find myself way off track.  I haven’t been acting.  I have a day job now.  I thought would give me flexible hours, but it doesn’t.  It doesn’t even pay me enough to move out.  The people are nice and the work is easy enough, but I just feel so far off from where I want to be.  I feel so restless and empty and almost hopeless.

I saw some of my theater friends a few days ago, and now I’m going to get back on the path.  First, I’m going to enroll in one or two summer classes in technique and scene study.  Next, I’m going to study for the GREs and LSATs.  Tutoring the SATs as a survival job was a half-baked idea, because it simply does not pay enough to live.  More advanced test prep, specficially for the LSATs pays a lot more.  I’ve also applied to edit essays for a company that pays well, in addition to the company for which I currently edit essays (but it’s been off-season).  Maybe even RE, but I need to do more research for that.

Got accepted to one of the schools to which I had applied during winter, but couldn’t afford to attend :(