winter winter winter

21 December 2008 (Sunday)

Ugh, my laptop keeps acting up.  It’s actually the same thing that happened with my old laptop, when I had trouble with the AC adaptor.  I really hope it’s an easy fix this time.  blah.  I’m going to call technical support once I finish this entry.

So I got a job editing essays.  It pays well for what it is but definitely not enough to move out and survive.  For various reasons, I’m having trouble deciding which company to tutor for.

My scene went badly on Tuesday, and it made me sad.  I feel like I’m on a roller coaster.  Some days, I do well and am extremely positive about what I’ve chosen.  Other days, I feel off and am filled with self-doubt.  ugh.

I was supposed to audition for a conservatory yesterday, but the snow made it impossible.  I rescheduled.

I can’t believe that I will leave my school in about a month!!!  I’ve been so busy focusing on the future that I can barely focus on the work that I still have due.  But hopefully, I can enjoy my last few days there.