A Blessing in Disguise!

4 August 2009 (Tuesday)

When my day job asked me to move to Texas, I immediately declined. And now I am unemployed save a part-time job editing essays.

So I’m really happy, because now I have more free time to study for the GREs and LSATs (and begin tutoring them in the next month or two). Once I get my tutoring on track, I’ll be able to move out.

Baby steps. I think I was so overwhelmed by it all that I jumped at the chance to do anything that would make me money but also allow some flexibility. Unfortunately, my former day job did not offer enough money nor flexibility (haha).

And one of my oldest friends from acting school has written a role for me in her newest film. It’s hilarious and we’re going to workshop it for a second time next week. Very happy about this.

Anyway, just a quick little update to affirm that I’m slowly but surely getting back on track. And I can’t wait until the pieces begin to fall into place. It’s going to feel so good!